Monday, November 2, 2009

Issue 2 to Debut at FC

Thank you all for your patience!

We've suffered from a lack of content and submissions, and while the staff had filled in the missing pieces for Issue 1, we haven't had the time to create alongside all the other duties. This has happily changed and we've had to revise our plans. We apologize to the people whom we wanted to meet at Anthrocon 2009 -- we will have the next issue at Further Confusion 2010! We appreciate all the support and the questions. It seems a lot of you want us to succeed.

Surprised and Gratified,
~ Michaela ~

1 comment:

  1. Mh, I don't know how much publicity you already have, but in general I think it might help if you would credit the writers in the same way you did with the graphical artists in issue #1. Everybody loves a little attention, right? And maybe it would motivate more people if a good story could actually get some some "fame", right?

    Well, just an idea, this way or another, I hope you're successful in the future.



Issue #2 Cover

Issue #2 Cover
Art by KaputOtter!

Issue #2 Back Cover

Issue #2 Back Cover
Art by KaputOtter!

About Me

My photo
San Jose, CA, United States
Michaela is the editor of the furry fiction magazine "Michaela's Midnight Letters". Issue #1 was released at Further Confusion 2009.